There are times when pupils attain higher scores and or show a particular talent or gift within certain subjects. This stretches over and above that of their peers locally and nationally. In this instance pupils are assessed as working at greater depth.
At Charnwood we want all children to find their unique talents and skills. Sometimes this is within traditionally academic subjects but this may also present in subjects like music, art or sports.
From years 1-6 pupils are assessed following the following assessment levels: Well Below, Below, Just Below, At and Above the expected standard for their age.
If you think your child has a particular skill in an area we can support we encourage you to let us know.
Likewise we will inform you of your child’s attainment measured against nationally standardised scores and support, stretch and challenge your children in school so that they can continue to flourish.
Department for Education (DFE) defines able learners as:
“Those children and young people with one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group (or with potential to develop those abilities).”
They can be identified in any year and amount to 7-10% of the school population, although we do not attempt to manipulate individual cohorts to ensure that this is so. Provision will be made for these children within the normal class teaching, but sometimes we will provide enrichment or extension activities to promote their skills and talents still further including activities and visits to other DEEP schools or working with outside organisations.
More Able learners are defined as those who have abilities in one or more subjects in the statutory school curriculum. They have the capacity for, or demonstrate, high levels of performance in a subject area. This also includes children who are leaders or role models and who display outstanding leadership and/or social skills.
For further support and activities for children showing higher ability you can find information by following the links below.
NACE Guidance for parents and carers
Definitions and characteristics of more /highly able learners | MESHGuides
The Entrance Test – West Midlands Grammar Schools
Free Materials – GL 11+
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