Here Everyday Ready On time

Our Attendance Policy

Our Traffic Light Attendance System


Lateness not only affects your child’s education – it doesn’t allow them the social time to settle with their friends, they may feel upset or embarrassed, and it disrupts the rest of the class.

Being frequently late for school adds up to lost learning.


We are committed!

Here at Charnwood Primary Academy we are committed, in partnership with the parents/carers, children and the Local Academy Council to building a school which serves the community and of which the community is proud.

We believe that all children benefit from regular school attendance. Full and regular attendance at school is crucial for a child’s future life chances and establishes a positive work ethic early in life. To this end, we will do all we can to encourage parents/carers to ensure their children achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent full attendance are identified and acted on promptly.

Attendance is a high priority for Charnwood, we aim to have all children in school all the time. We understand that children are sometimes ill and will need to stay at home however, we will always work with children, parents and carers to ensure there is every chance of your child attending school every day.

We are committed to supporting you in getting your child into school, on time and ready to learn. At Charnwood we believe that in order to facilitate teaching and learning, good attendance is essential. Pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school.

Our Senior Leadership Team at Charnwood monitors attendance of pupils and their punctuality. If you would like to speak any member of the team about your child’s attendance you can ring the Academy or contact them via the office or admin e-mail.


Leave of Absence

In September 2013, the government released new legislation preventing Head Teachers from authorising term time holidays other than in exceptional circumstances.

We can not accept letters from employers as a reason for approval, nor can we accept special offers, holidays as gifts or prizes as reasons to authorise the holiday.

We consider each request individually and cannot approve any leave retrospectively. If you wish to apply for a leave of absence, please contact our office team.