Our Pupil Premium allocation:

Pupil numbers and percentages in this table may vary slightly from those in the strategy document due to pupil movement. This table will be updated more frequently than the pupil numbers in the document which will only be refreshed during review.

Date of most recent pupil premium in school review: Autumn 2023- LAC – link governor meeting update Date of next pupil premium review: Spring  2023
Total number of pupils: 228 (excluding Nursery) Total pupil premium budget: £113490
Number of pupils eligible for pupil premium: 37.1%

funding based on 78 pupils at census. – % excludes nursery

Amount of pupil premium received per child: FSM & E6 – £1,455

LAC: £2,530

Our new Strategy is a 3 year strategy which will remain under constant review. Our previous statement is left here for reference.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2026

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23

Our Ambition

At Charnwood Primary School we want to nurture all children including those in receipt of Pupil Premium to grow into inspired, confident and inquisitive individuals. We want to support both them and their families to achieve the very best that they are able. We wish to instil a passion for learning and self-improvement long after they leave our school.

How the pupil premium grant is allocated to address the needs of pupils at Charnwood Primary Academy and the reasons for that approach.

Whole school approach:

Funding is used to support training for leaders as well as for building an immersive and relevant curriculum in all subjects: supporting staff and leading change through improving teaching and learning. Funding is also used to support resourcing subjects well in order to deliver the curriculum effectively;  providing opportunities for building cultural capital; building on knowledge and making knowledge stick.

Following data analysis; writing, spelling and vocabulary continue to be areas that the school must prioritise.  As part of the 2022-2023 ADP there was a whole school focus on raising the attainment in writing; focusing on the development of transcription and sentence structure whilst being immersed in a vocabulary rich environment.

Reading continues to be stronger than writing. This is monitored and championed by schemes and online resources such as Bug Club and Accelerated Reader across the school. Spending money on IT enhancement is based on research by the EEF that digital technology can have a moderate impact on attainment when it is used by numerous subjects to extend the learning of their pupils inside and outside of the classroom.  https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/digital-technology/ 

Improving home school links continues to be a focus through enrichment opportunities in school and celebrating learning outside of the classroom. This is based on research by the EEF which shows that positive parental involvement can have a moderate impact on pupil attainment.  https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/parental-involvement/ 

Individual Support:

Nurture support continues to show improved outcomes for pupils emotionally and socially. These sessions are focused on individual need and measured through Boxall profiles, teacher assessment and pupil and parent/carer voice. This approach is based on research by the EEF which shows that targeting social and emotional barriers can have a moderate impact on attainment.  https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/social-and-emotional-learning/ .

Academic interventions are planned for and resources specific to individual need  allocated to support learning in school or at home. Additionally, support is given to pupils to allow them to access the curriculum or build cultural capital such as subsidising swimming kits, residential trips or music lessons.

Small group:

The small group interventions of previous years have had mixed results. Where these were successful in raising attainment and progress they were continued. These take the form of quality first teaching intervention and TA support and interventions outside of core learning time.   This strategy is based on the findings from the “Pupil Premium Net Steps” published by The Sutton Trust which emphasises the importance of targeted intervention.  http://www.suttontrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Pupil-Premium-Summit-Report-FINAL-EDIT.pdf 



Spending of the pupil premium  2023-24 is aligned with our ADP goals. A majority of the spending will support these whole school aims. The focus of these will adapt dependent on pupil need following whole school assessment – as such these goals remain ‘live’ and may change as our ADP priorities develop.

  • To secure effective use of assessment for learning: Continued development of assessment for learning to support pupils at all stages of their learning journey. Spending to help train staff in school and provide adequate support for pupils in class. Spending to ensure that we are able to provide targeted academic and wellbeing support. To continue to improve the retention of learning and skills and to bridge any gaps in learning through the use of metacognitive skills.
  • To accelerate the progress of pupils through targeted academic support. Development of carefully planned and consistently delivered programmes of support for small groups or individual pupils. Training, resourcing and monitoring of interventions. Supporting the identification and follow-up support for pupils with SEND.
  • To build a school community that advocates for the learners and develops resilient learning habits. To create an ethos of achievement and high ambition where the school, pupils and families work together to achieve age related outcomes for pupils.

All support will be evaluated and the impact of the support judged. Many of these aims mirror and support those in the whole school ADP thus providing a cohesive focus and aim across all subjects and areas. All analysis will be used to inform future spending.

Pupil Premium Attainment and Progress at Charnwood

Following school closure due to Covid-19 there is no official data to publish for the academic year 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 – in house data has been supplied to all individuals including teacher assessment for end of year for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. This information is available upon request.

Diminishing the difference across the curriculum

Our aim is to ensure that all pupil premium pupils are able to attain as well as those not eligible across the curriculum. This is measured both against their peers and national figures. With this aim subject leaders measure progress and attainment in their subjects and identify barriers to address these in their action plans. Pupil premium funding can be requested to support the needs of the action plans and the impact is measured.

In 2023-24 we will continue to direct our actions guided by the three principles of the RADY approach.

1 – Raising awareness of the pupils and barriers for learning in all subjects.

2- Raising expectations of pupil attainment and setting accelerated targets for pupils in order to diminish differences in attainment.

3 – Raising aspirations of pupils through building cultural capital and a community that advocates for our learners.

Who monitors spending of the Pupil Premium at Charnwood?

All spending is closely monitored by our Local Academy Council and Executive Headteacher Mr. Jonathan Williams.

Pupil Premium Leader: Mrs Cheryl Nowell – Head of School

Governor: Mr Jim Raban – Chair of Governors

Last Update: Autumn 2023

Next Pupil Premium Review meeting:  A meeting to review upcoming spending will be held in Spring Term 2024

Further Information

Even though your child is now automatically entitled to a free school meal for their first three years at school (Reception to Year 2), registering for income assessed free school meals could provide the school with extra money to be spent on raising achievement for all our pupils in addition to this if you qualify you can benefit from things like subsidised trips, extracurricular activities and a whole host of other benefits.

If you wish to apply for Pupil Premium please contact the school office where you can complete an

application form. This is available if you receive any of the following benefits:

  • Income support
  • Income based job seekers allowance
  • Income based employment and support allowance
  • Guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • Universal credit
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child tax credit ( but no working tax credit) with a household income of less than £16,190 per year

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is a Government funded finance stream that is aimed to support the improvement of educational outcomes for groups of disadvantaged children e.g. those in receipt of Free School Meals currently or during the last 6 years ( EVER 6), Service children and Looked After Children.

How should it be spent?

The grant may be spent in the following ways:

  • For the purposes of the school i.e. for the educational benefit of pupils registered at that school.
  • For the benefit of pupils registered at other maintained schools or academies.
  • On community facilities e.g. services whose provision furthers any charitable purpose for the benefit of pupils at the school or their families, or people who live or work in the locality in which the school is situated

The grant does not have to be completely spent by schools in the financial year beginning 1 April; some or all of it may be carried forward to future financial years.

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.