Welcome to Year 1


Summer 2024

This term we will be learning about the holidays and how the changes in transport changed the types of holidays we can now have.

We will be learning all about plants and our local environment’s biodiversity, learning how to control small robots called BBots and learning gymnastics and some further skills for sports day.

These are the books we will be using  to help us with our writing:

Lost and Found: Oliver Jeffers  How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth

In maths we are moving on to multiplication and division. This is some of the equipment we will be using to support us in our maths and number work:





To support your learning at home you can use the curriculum overview which provides more information about each learning area and the key word mat which provides the vocabulary, reading and spelling words we will be working on this half term together. These can both be found in the useful documents section to download.

Learning at Home

1. Reading – read at least 3 times a week. We will continue to send a book home with your child each week that is matched to their phonics knowledge,  as well as this your child’s guided reading book will now be shared digitally with you each week so that they can continue to practise their fluency at home.

Don’t forget the many other opportunities to read whenever you can – cereal boxes, bus stops, adverts, shop windows! Read, read, read and listen to the adults model reading in your life.

2. Learn your phonics sound by practising what you learn in class each week at home – the sound mats that link to our lessons are linked below in the phonics support – we have now covered all of the initial phase five sounds.

3. Counting – Keep practising your number bonds to twenty.  Can you count in twos and tens?

PE:   – PE kit to be worn on Tuesdays (outdoor) and Thursdays (Indoor) 


Monday 8th: Back to School

Thursday 11th: Entrust Music Concert (at school in school hours).

Tuesday 7th May: Trip to Black Country Museum – see letter for further details.

20th May: Year group photographs

21st May: Year 1 visit the Library – walking to library and back during school hours – please send in library cards if your child has one.

Friday 24th May: Break up for Half term break.



We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.